Individual and ZZP
PensionTime is a full-service consulting firm in the field of pension consulting and pension communications. You can also contact us for other insurable benefits.
PensioenTijd Advice
Of course, you may be self-employed or an entrepreneur or you may not have an employer who is either a mandatory member of an industry pension fund or who has made pension arrangements for you elsewhere. You still want to make sure that there is “money for later” for you too. The advisors at PensioenTijd can help you find the most tax-friendly solution for you.

PensioenTijd choice guide
Modern, future-proof pension plans nowadays have many choices. There are choices that have to be made during the pension accrual period, such as additional savings and/or investment choices, but also, for example, extra survivor protection, and there are choices that can be made after retirement, such as the choice of a fixed guaranteed benefit or a variable pension, whether or not survivor coverage, a higher pension first and then lower. Plenty of choices! The advisors of PensioenTijd will explain the possibilities and together we will look at which choices fit your wishes and needs.
PensioenTijd Planning
A good retirement is different for everyone. Each individual has their own wishes and needs. The road to a good retirement leads us through many stages of life, each with its own events that affect retirement. Ultimately, the goal is to have enough money at retirement, disability and death to fund our expenses. This requires planning! Planning that includes not only retirement, but also living expenses, assets, debts, expenses and other (insured) provisions. We plan with you so that your pension is in Top Condition when you start using it. Don’t procrastinate. It’s Time for Retirement Now.

PensioenTijd MOT
If you want to know where you stand or how to read your statements from pension providers, we offer several options for this. We call this the annual “Pension MOT”.
The Pension MOT is offered in 3 variants:
- Introduction what is Pension, how should I read my UPO and what does it say on Duration 1 hour.
- Introduction what is Pension, how should I read my UPO, what is on and what is on my executor’s portal and what choices can/should I make there. Duration 1.5 hours.
- Introduction what is Pension, how should I read my UPO, what is on and what is on my executor’s portal and what choices can/should I make there. In this module a deepening is made in a part of your choice, for example the investment choice, early retirement, pension shopping, value transfer, etc. Duration 2 hours.
Starting point for these conversations is that they take place remotely via Teams. Conversations on location are also possible. For this we charge travel time. If more time is needed or a follow-up is desired, separate arrangements will be made. There is already a pension MOT for € 125, – including VAT!

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About PensioenTijd
PensioenTijd is a full-service consulting firm in the field of pension consulting and pension communications. You can also contact us for other insurable benefits.
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